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What Does It Mean To Be A Global Citizen?

Dr. Peggy Regis Robinson, DAOM, L.Ac.

Today is Haitian Flag Day, which is all about celebrating the culture and heritage of the Haitian flag. It is also synonymous with honoring Haiti’s vibrant people, the struggles they continue to overcome, their delectable cuisines and rich flavors, and the music that moves everyone. L'Union Fait La Force ("Unity Is Strength") truly comes alive on this day.

As a Haitian activist and a global citizen, I commit my talents to serving people. I focus on three global issues: access to trauma-focused healing, teaching young women about menstrual health, and providing new clothing to kids between the ages of six months to 13 years old. I am intentional with my impact and maximize each chance to the fullest.

99% of the time, this kind of work is quiet, which makes the Leah K. Frazier award even more special.

I was honored by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, a service-focused sorority with over 75,000+ active members and nearly 300,000 members initiated worldwide. Leah K. Frazier “Service with a Global Perspective” is awarded annually to someone who has extensively shared their time and talents globally.

For me, being a global citizen is rooted in healing.

This award brings recognition to something I deeply care about: the work I do for Haiti and for its people. They deserve the love and recognition.

And this work has been ongoing. I have made nearly thirty 3,200-mile round trip flights to Haiti alone. It is a packed itinerary and an even more packed luggage. Each trip, I bring four additional check-in boxes with supplies weighing nearly 300 pounds.

Every trip means 45 hours per week of operation and over 25 volunteers in the field who are administering care. Clinics run seven days a week and have been in operation for the past three years across three different sites. Over 2,000 Haitians received care, which is a culmination of support from 20,000 individuals who were ignited by the cause.

My next trip to Haiti is in Fall 2019 and it requires hours of labor and love.

I lean on my wide network in New York and North Carolina to redistribute resources and make an impact abroad. If you’d like to support this directly, I am looking for partners!

  • Contact me directly if you’d like to donate new clothing. I bring extra check-in luggage when I travel and distribute new clothing to kids who do not have much of their own.

  • Sponsor feminine hygiene kits through Days For Girls: They are good for the environment and good for women’s bodies. Your donation helps empower women and provides a sustainable kit.

  • Give to CapraCare, a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing sustainable community health programs for the people living in Haiti. Your donation will help fund clinics so they can continue to heal communities.

And here are ways you can deepen our collective impact:

  • Donate money. I encourage you to reflect on your passions and find organizations that champion your cause. For me, I choose to donate my time, talent, and money to Acupuncturists Without Borders (Haiti Program), CapraCare, dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, and Days for Girls (Haiti Support). I choose to donate to these organizations because it’s hard to sustain fundraising when the earthquake is gone, but the people of Haiti are still rebuilding.

  • Volunteer your time. Use your gifts to help people rebuild and your impact ripples. Teach what you know. For me, I share my deep knowledge of herbs and how to work with the land they are cultivating.

  • Learn about issues. Knowledge is power. Taking an hour each week to explore what’s going on in the world not only opens our minds, but allows us to make an impact globally.

Happy Haitian Flag Day Beautiful People!


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