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Top 3 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Mind, Body, and Space

Dr. Peggy Regis Robinson, DAOM, L.Ac.

Spring is a chance to get rid of winter habits and make room for a fresh restart. While spring cleaning can feel overwhelming, here are easy ways to jumpstart this process.

Clear out your mind. Engaging in a mental detox activity helps eliminate distractions.

  • Take a nature walk without technology. Observing nature’s gifts can help you focus and appreciate the small details.

  • Pause and do nothing. Set a ten-minute timer and lay on the floor. This activity disrupts our always-on-the-go habits and reminds us to take intentional breaths.

  • Treat yourself to a mini aroma therapy session. Gather your favorite organic scents (mine are Doterra oils!) and pick a favorite spot in your home. Inhaling sage oil or burning palo santo are powerful ways to cleanse the air and your spirit.

Clear out your body. We tend to gravitate towards comfort foods during winter, but spring is a great time to restart our bodies.

  • Do a detox. Your body is a temple that needs maintenance and a detox will remove the gunk that accumulated this season. There are 7-, 21-, or 40-day cleanse that you can check out.

  • Shop along the perimeter. Small steps like eliminating refined food products and injecting more organic produce will give your body a much-needed restart. Challenge yourself to shop along the perimeter of the grocery store where fresh foods live. The middle aisles house highly-processed products with preservatives.

  • Hydrate with joy. Substitute caffeinated drinks with water. Infuse bits of happiness in form of lemons, limes, cucumbers, or strawberries—whatever makes you smile!

Clear out your space. Having a clean space not only helps alleviate allergies, it also serves as a visual reminder that we are striving for clarity.

  • Start with a drawer. Drawers and closets are places where we tend to stash “will need later” objects. After a few weeks, they accumulate until we no longer find their purpose. Starting small will give you the momentum to keep going.

  • Designate a space. Assigning an area for specific items like toys, crafts, and homework will help your kids develop lifelong organization habits. Encourage them to use their imagination as they complete their chores. There’s no reason why putting away things shouldn’t be fun.

  • Connect it to a greater purpose. Challenge your kids to make the same commitment to get rid of items they’ve outgrown. It’s not about losing their once favorite things, but rather, it’s about giving joy to others who are in need. Help them research organizations where their things should be donated and take them there.

Once you’ve gotten rid of clutter, you’ve effectively made space for what’s important. This means having more space for you, your kids, and more possibilities.

If you feel yourself veering off-track, take a deep breath and start again. Remember that you’re aiming for progress, not perfection.

As parents, it’s important to model these life-long behaviors. When you create a spring-cleaning plan, you’re teaching your kids how to set goals and stick to them. When you choose what to keep, you’re demonstrating how to prioritize what’s important. When you donate, you’re instilling the value of sharing with those in need.

Finally, set a deadline to complete your spring cleaning by April 22, which is Earth Day. This time-bound project will help you chip away at your goals and celebrate your accomplishments.

Be well, beautiful people!

Dr. Peggy Regis Robinson is a holistic health care provider with nearly two decades of clinical experience. She uses her expertise in ethnobotany, herbal medicine and acupuncture to heal, educate and empower patients around the world. Learn more at or follow her on Instagram @peggy_rrobinson.

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